1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass
1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass

1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass 1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass

Activate the switch and see if the light illuminates, indicating the switch works. Place a paper clip into the blue wire and the green wire. Probing the electrical connector with two paper clips attached to a test light

1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass

If the switch is loosely connected, plug in and re-test the mirror. Wiggle the mirror switch’s connector to check for tightness. If the fuse is good, remove the door panel to access the side view mirror’s and mirror switch’s electrical connector. Remove the Door Panel and Check the Mirror Switch’s Electrical Connector The fuse will probably not be labeled as “mirror,” so you may have to check all the fuses. You can check the fuses to see if the mirrors are on different circuits, which could explain why one mirror does not have power, but the side view mirrors are usually on the same circuit. If the switch can move the other mirror’s glass, the malfunctioning mirror might be defective. If the switch cannot adjust the other mirror glass, the mirror control switch is likely defective. Try adjusting the other mirror if the mirror does not move on command. Adjust the Other Mirror’s Glass to Test the Switch Select different mirror glass positions to test the mirror glass’s functionality. Find the mirror switch on the master switch control panel and select the switch for the power mirror not working.

1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass