To sum it all up, HitFilm Express is definitely a good program for editing video projects and dare we say, it seems much snappier than Adobe Premiere Pro with a 4K test video in play. It's also capable of working with 3D video clips and apply effects to those as well. HitFilm Express has some pretty nice effects and optimizations like color grading, blur, sharpen and so on. You can add the built-in effects to the timeline by dragging them from the effects panel directly on to the video clip.

The most important panel of HitFilm Express has gotta be the timeline where you can cut, move and edit the clips in your project. All panels tends to put everything onto the screen while audio, colorist, compositing, editing and organizer provide a bit more of a cleaner layout for specific tasks. HitFilm is organized into several different layout modes, called Workspaces, which give you quick access to different tools for various features it has on offer. Though not as featured-packed as the industry standard with Premiere Pro, it does sport a beautiful interface and seems to be very responsive. (Not to mention that, even if file size wasn’t an issue, I still don’t know if this would get a better result than Cineform.HitFilm Express is a pro video editing and composition tool that can create some interesting and beautiful-looking end video clips.
Thanks! At this point, I’ve basically been questioning whether you’d get a better quality video from either:ġ) GoPro Cineform YUV 10-bit (MOV) - it seems to be my best option (CineformRGB 12 exported files wont play for me,just the audio, or some reason - I also had to install VLC player just to get Cineform YUV 10 to play).I’m assuming either Cineform is better than the 1080p YouTube(?)Ģ) Uncompressed AVI (seems to be my only “lossless” option) then converted with Handbrake - I was experimenting with Handbrake by converting the same short avi clip, trying to figure out which presenting gets the bes results (I cant really tell if “Super HQ” or “High Profile” is better, and it also automatically wants to auto-set it at 30 FPS instead of the 60 FPS the original file is, and I’m not sure whether to change that).but I just realized that the uncompressed avi clip that’s a couple GBs in size is only 6 seconds, so now I’m wondering if doing the avi/handbrake-conversion is even an option - a simple 2 minute video would be enormous. Thanks! I know I’m throwing a lot at you, here (the 2 exports are the only 2 I’ve ever attempted, and the one that won’t go higher than YouTube 1080? was my first attempt at editing) And when I imported it, I had to rotate it and re-size it.

The only difference I can think of between the two was that the one that didn’t work was recorded at the 1920/1080, but it was (don’t kill me, I know.) recorded vertically.
I have a bunch of clips taken at 1080p 60fps on my iphone6 and saved to Google Drive - which I had to rename to “.mp4” in order to even play after downloading to my PC - that I want to combine into single videos.so “cat eating Arby’s 1-9” can become “Cat eating Arby’s” a bunch of old VHS/Video8-to-digital home movie conversions I’d like to edit together, etc.)īu the way, do you know why the higher YouTube presenting would work on one 30 second clip but on another it says something like file way too big?” I tried it on 2 different 30 second clips (both with initial 1920 1080 presenting.now that I think about it, one setting may have been 60fps and other 30 FPS, if that’d affect it?). In general, I just want the highest quality video possible - or at least to know which one is, if I want to use it. ”May I ask what you’re trying to accomplish?”
“Lossless” still in mind, I then tried uncompressed avi, but the file size was enormous in comparison - same video using 1080p youtube vs avi was like 100mb and 10GB respectively (for something like a 30 sec to 1 min clip).would using the avi format, then converting it to mp4 in handbrake be the best choice (if so, how would you adjust presets)? Or should I just use YouTube 1080p? I tried both cineform presets (because I saw the word “lossless,” and tried those first, but the format didn’t want to play on my Win10 pc (I was actually going to add this fact in an edit but got sidetracked).