Not all Keepers have to be large but fast reflexes would be key if you have a small frame and want to keep the other teams’ Quaffles out of your goals. The most underrated and yet most important position in Quidditch is the Keeper. Source Keeper Famous Keepers: Oliver Wood Jonny Nuhaka Darren O’Hare Sendelina de la Felino.
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Professor Trelawney’s traits recommendation: Knows national anthem off by heart has brown, black, red, pink, or blue hair likes dogs, not cats knows how to order and bacon and cheese sandwich in French.

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Skills needed: Upper body strength good aim, solid grip somewhat reckless free spirit. If you haven’t got too many concussions under your belt already, then this position could be worth a nudge. Getting to hit heavy round balls with big bats is amazingly cathartic, and being allowed to aim them at people on purpose? Well, what a rush! Be careful, though you need to be able to take it just as well as you give it, and being hit in the head is an occupational hazard. Do you have large biceps and possibly an anger management problem? Then Beater could be your bread and butter. Source Beater Famous Beaters: Fred Weasley George Weasley Joey Jenkins Dawn Withey Indira Choudry. Professor Trelawney’s traits recommendation: Nimble fingers left foot bigger than right last name is double-barrelled have Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia or Taurophobia. Skills needed: Good aim the ability to work in a team rapid serving skills mid-air excellent hand-eye coordination quick decision making unafraid of mid-air collisions. We call this tactic “being the Nose Bleed” you aren’t hurting anyone, but you get in the way, and it’s annoying. Don’t think dirty tactics here – that’s not ok, but if you like annoying people, then this one could be for you. However, it’s not all about scoring goals a good defense is just as important. Are you fast and furious? Have the hand-eye coordination of John McEnroe and were really good at dodgeball as a kid? Then check out the position of Chaser. Source Chaser Famous Chasers: Ginny Weasley Charlie Weasley Debbie Muntz. Professor Trelawney’s traits recommendation: Name starts with A, G, J, L, B, Q, S, H, or Z born with a birthmark on your left buttock, Scorpio or Leo gluten allergy.
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On the plus side, though, you usually get most of the glory for winning the game! Skills needed: Fast excellent long-distance sight good grip light frame. You are a target for the other team – especially when it’s crunch time and some pretty nasty injuries could come your way. Harry Potter may make this role look easy (or not if you saw him in his first year), but playing Seeker is not for the faint-hearted. Do you have mongoose-like reflexes, sight better than a Deerhound, and a penchant for shiny gold things? Then Seeker might be the position for you. Source Seeker Famous Seekers: Harry Potter, Victor Krum, Lucy “Lucky” Karoonda, Ngapo Ponika, Glynnis Griffiths, Aidan Lynch.
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Full disclaimer: “The Quibbler” makes no promise that Professor Trelawney’s predictions are true, real, or all that good. However, have you ever tried to figure out your Quidditch position with the added bonus of having a real live Seer tapping into the mystic realms and giving insight on the very traits needed for each position? Professor Trelawney has joined The Quibbler today to use her unquestionable skills of Divination to define once and for all what Quidditch position you would play.

All cover general skills across all positions, such as the ability to fly on a broomstick without falling off most of the time, mid-to-high level of fitness, and good coordination. New Post has been published on Professor Trelawney Picks the Best Quidditch Position For You Ever wondered what your Quidditch position would be? Probably not, as there have been countless quizzes and answers to this question online. We also stock Scott, Malvern Star, GT, Mongoose and other quality brands, so come in and find your perfect bike today.Professor Trelawney Picks the Best Quidditch Position For You With experienced staff, great prices, an extensive range and a genuine passion for cycling, there’s no better place to buy Giant bikes in Melbourne or anywhere else in Australia. We now operate eight Bicycle Superstores across Victoria, so visit us in person and we’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can.

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